Efest IMR13450 600mAh (Red) 2014
Official specifications:
- Weight: 25g
- Length: 44.67 mm
- Diamter: 12.87 mm
- Top: flat top
- Bottom: non-procted
- Typical Capacity: 600mAh
- Min capacity: 600mAh
- Cycle life: 300 times
- Voltage: 3.7V
- Full Charge voltage: 4.2V
- Discharge cut-off voltage 3.0V
- Temperature: discharge temperature range:-10°C—60°C, Charge temperature range: 0°C—40°C
- Storage: 1 year:-20°C—25°C, 3 months:-20°C—45°C, 1 month:-20°C—60°C
This battery size is a bit odd, usual it is 10440 (Ø: 10mm, length: 44mm) or 14500 (Ø: 14mm, length: 50mm). this is also know as AAA and AA size. This battery is about the length of a AAA cell, but has the diameter of about AA cell.
There is some variation between the cells and being a small cell it is not very good at high current (It can handle 2A).
Capacity is somewhere between 10440 and 14500 size, same with current capability. Due to the difference between cells it is best to use it alone, i.e. not in series.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Efest for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries